TNFα signaling mechanism against cell necrosis due to overextended denture

  • Imam Safari Azhar Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Nabila Qothrunnada Bachelor of Dental Science Program Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: overextended denture, TNFα signaling, necrosis cells


Objective: Not all removable partial dentures are successful or function well. One thing that patients complain about injuries to the oral mucosal tissue. The presence of denture edges that are too long or what is often referred to as overextended can cause necrosis of oral mucosal cells which show a clinical form of ulcers. The purpose of this pa-per is to explain the process of mechanical injury due dentures overextended against cell necrosis. Methods: Con-duct a review by covering the keywords mucosal ulceration, overextended denture, TNFα signaling. Various articles that have been obtained were thoroughly reviewed according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results and discussion: The literatures show that overextended dentures cause discomfort. This is due to pain caused by injury to the mucosal lining of the oral cavity. Injury due to overextended denture causes cells to release death receptors in the form of TNF-R1 receptors. TNFα signals to bind to TNFα trimer with the TNF-R1 receptor. This response then proceeds to various processes that then lead to necrotic cell death. Conclusion: Death receptors and TNFα ini-tiate cell death where this necrotic cell death depends on the formation of reactive oxygen species.


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